Christian Bell

How I’m fixing my finances…with software development

Can I tell you something?

I stress about money.

Astonishing, I know. I suppose I share that sentiment with 99.99999% of other people on the planet.

BUT my money stress has started to go way down. Primarily because I finally started to educate myself about personal finance, what actually works and moves the needle, and what’s mostly marketing hype.

Hi, I’m Christian Bell, and this is my journey to fix my finances with software development.

Want an example? I finally have a real emergency fund saved up – 6 months of living expenses. You know how people talk about having their sh*t together? Well I didn’t. That’s the short version. There’s a long version but it’s, well, longer. The point is I’m actually starting to make real progress towards my goals. (helllloooo adulting!) I can’t tell you what will work for you. But I can tell you what’s been working for me. And how I’m speeding it up. (more money, faster)

some things I like learning about

  • habits
  • personal finance
  • software development (primarily front end JavaScript)
  • small business
  • trading
  • investing
  • math
  • entrepreneurship
  • psychology